Monday, September 21, 2009

Webquest: Hawaiian Luau

This webquest was done by Megan Connelly and is geared toward 3rd grade math. This will help student's plan a party and stay within budget.

Changes I would make:
Standards to WV
Remove under teacher's page Process part


  1. I don't see a link to the WebQuest. I'd like to take a look at it to see if the changes you want to make are appropriate. Let me know when you add the link!

  2. I added the link to my blog. Sorry about that.

  3. Hi Dawn,
    I was just waiting until I saw the WebQuest. I'll change your grade to 5 points. Here is some Feedback for the WebQuest.

    I think you should use google forms to set up a spreadsheet that helps students create and calculate a budget. This can be your artifact. Also use Google doc to create the party planning sheet too! The conclusion is not right. It should not give them another task but summarize what student should have learned as a result of the activity. Make this change tool This should be a good WebQuest when you are done!

  4. I don't see the WebQuest you created or the student work sample! Let me know if I'm missing something or if you need help getting this done! I can meet with you sometime outside of class or I can try to help on Tuesday.
